Tom Roby's Math 213 Home Page (Fall'07)
"Transition to Advanced Math"
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Class InformationCOORDINATES: Classes meet Tues/Thur. 11:00--12:15 in MSB 219. The registrar calls this Sec 001, #8522 PREREQUISITES: Some calculus, but we won't use it very much. More important is the ability to work hard on unfamiliar problems. This course itself is a prerequisite for most upper division courses in math. TEXT: John D'Angelo & Doug West: Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs, Prentice Hall 2000. Second edition 412+xx pages, 930 exercises, 180 figures ISBN 0-13-014421-6. WEB RESOURCES: The homepage for this course is http://www.math.uconn.edu/~troby/Math213F07/. It will include a copy of the syllabus and list of homework assignments. I will keep this updated throughout the quarter. GRADING: Your grade will be based on a midterm exam, a final exam, homework, and quizzes. The breakdown of points is:
EXAMS: The exam dates are already scheduled, so please mark your calendars now. No makeups will be given; instead if you have an approved reason for missing an exam, the final will count for the appropriately higher percentage. If you know you have a conflict, please let me know asap. CONTENT: This content of this course is how to DO mathematics. The specific choice of topics is less important than your ability to come to grips with different kinds of mathematical thinking and writing. We plan to cover most of Chapters 1-8 and 13-14 of the text.
LEARNING GOALS: By the end of the course you should be able to
LEARNING: The only way to learn mathematics is by doing it! Complete each assignment to the best of your ability, and get help when you are confused. Come to class prepared with questions. Don't hesitate to seek help from other students. Sometimes the point of view of someone who has just figured something out can be the most helpful. We will often spend classtime doing things in groups, presenting mathematics to one another, or having interactive discussions. There will not be time for "cover" all material in a lecture format so you will need to read and learn some topics from the book. DISABILITIES If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, or if you would need assistance in the event of an emergency, please contact me as soon as possible. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned weekly I will collect homework and grade a pseudorandom sample of it. You may find some homework problems to be challenging, leading you
to spend lots of time working on them and sometimes get frustrated.
This is natural. I encourage you to work with other people in person
or electronically. It's OK to get significant help from any
resource, but in the end, please write your own solution in your own
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