Discover. Solve. Succeed.
With UConn Mathematics.
Mathematics is the foundation of science and technology.
And because of that, the Department of Mathematics is an exciting place to be. We are a community of scholars, teachers, and students. We drive discovery through our world-class research, and deliver exceptional education to inspire tomorrow's problem-solvers and innovators. Discover us for yourself.
Undergraduate Program
Students can pursue six major options, including pure and applied math, math teaching, actuarial science, and a joint mathematics/statistics degree.
Graduate Program
We offer doctoral and master's programs in a wide range of specializations, guided by world-class faculty.
Our faculty work in all major areas of mathematics, from theory to applications, and everything in between.
By the Numbers
Undergraduate Majors
Graduate Students
Faculty Members
News & Achievements
Professor Lan-Hsuan Huang Awarded Simons Fellowship
Professor Lan-Hsuan Huanghas been awarded a prestigious Simons Fellowship in 2025 by the Simons Foundation. According to the foundation website, these prestigious awards are based on the applicant’s scientific accomplishments in the five-year period preceding the application and on the potential scientific impact of the work to be done during the leave period. Professor Huang […]
[Read More]Associate Professor Ling Xiao awarded the Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize by the AWM
The Association for Women in Mathematics has awarded our colleague Ling Xiao the Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize for 2025-2026. In an email, the AWM stated: The Association for Women in Mathematics is pleased to announce that the 2025-2026 Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize has been awarded to Ling Xiao, Associate Professor of mathematics at the University […]
[Read More]The UConn Math Department will host 2025 Spring Eastern AMS Sectional Meeting
Professor Guozhen Lu elected to CT Academy of the Arts and Sciences
Professor Guozhen Lu was elected to the Connecticut Academy of the Arts and Sciences (CAAS) with membership commencing in 2023-2024 academic year. The CAAS was founded in 1799 and is the third-oldest learned society in the United States. Its purpose is the dissemination of scholarly information. For the past 200 years, the Academy has fulfilled […]
[Read More]UConn Mathematics Awarded GAANN Fellowship Grant from US Department of Education
The UConn Mathematics Department has been awarded a GAANN grant (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) from the Department of Education. The grant will provide five fellowships per year for three years to graduate students with excellent records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue a doctoral degree in mathematics at UConn, a […]
[Read More]Professor Guozhen Lu named Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics
Professor Guozhen Lu has been named a Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics. The citation for Guozhen says this honor is: For his sustained support and service to AWM, mentorship of early and mid-career female scientists, and advocacy in the career advancement of talented female mathematicians, including recognition in the form of honors and awards. […]
[Read More]Upcoming Events
Algebra Seminar - Canonical bases for moduli spaces of local systems on a surface, Hyun Kyu Kim (KIAS) 11:15am
Algebra Seminar - Canonical bases for moduli spaces of local systems on a surface, Hyun Kyu Kim (KIAS)
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
11:15 AM - 12:05 PM
Monteith Building
Hyun Kyu Kim (KIAS) will speak about Canonical bases for moduli spaces of local systems on a surface
Abstract: For a punctured surface S and a split reductive algebraic group G such as \(SL_n\) or \(PGL_n\), Fock and Goncharov (and Shen) consider two types of moduli spaces parametrizing G-local systems on S together with certain data at punctures. They show that these spaces have special coordinate charts, hence are birational to cluster varieties. Fock and Goncharov’s duality conjectures predict the existence of a canonical basis of the algebra of regular functions on one of these spaces, enumerated by the tropical integer points of the other space. I will give an introductory overview of this topic, briefly explain recent developments involving quantum topology and mirror symmetry of log Calabi-Yau varieties, and present some open problems if time allows.
Math Club: Chebyshev polynomials and interpolation, by Jake Brown (UConn) 5:30pm
Math Club: Chebyshev polynomials and interpolation, by Jake Brown (UConn)
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Monteith 111
In trigonometry, \(\cos(2\theta) = \cos^2(\theta) - \sin^2(\theta) = 2\cos^2(\theta) - 1\), so \(\cos(2\theta)\) is a quadratic polynomial in \(\cos(\theta)\). Surprisingly, this extends to all higher multiple angles: \(\cos(n\theta)\) is a polynomial of degree \(n\) in \(\cos(\theta)\)! For example, the calculation above shows the second Chebyshev polynomial is \(2x^2-1\).These polynomials, called the Chebyshev polynomials, are very special. In this talk we will discuss two ways to construct Chebyshev polynomials, some properties of these polynomials, and then present their important role in finding the polynomial that best approximates a function on \([-1,1]\).Note: Free refreshments. The talk starts at 5:40.
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Math Motivators Kick-Off Meeting 12:00pm
Math Motivators Kick-Off Meeting
Friday, February 21st, 2025
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Monteith Building
Contact Information:
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SIGMA Seminar - From TA, to Instructor, to Professor: Teaching Advice for a Career in Academia - Kim Savinon (UConn) 12:20pm
SIGMA Seminar - From TA, to Instructor, to Professor: Teaching Advice for a Career in Academia - Kim Savinon (UConn)
Friday, February 21st, 2025
12:20 PM - 01:10 PM
Monteith Building
In this talk, I will share practical advice for developing effective teaching practices, engaging diverse student populations, and balancing instructional responsibilities with research and service. Drawing on my experiences as a TA, instructor, and mentor, I will discuss ideas for course design, alternative assessments, and active learning strategies that foster student success. Specifically, we will explore opportunities available to graduate students that can enhance your prospects in the teaching job market.
Whether you are just starting as a TA or envisioning a long-term academic career, this talk will provide insights to help you grow as an educator while navigating the challenges of teaching in higher education.
Contact Information:
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2025 MATHCOUNTS Eastern Chapter competition 8:00am
2025 MATHCOUNTS Eastern Chapter competition
Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Schenker Lecture Hall
The competition is for mathletes from local middle and junior high schools. Members of the Department of Mathematics will help with the competition to be held in McHugh Hall 102.
This is the rescheduled event. Note a new location.