Overview of Graduation Requirements
To graduate with a PhD in Mathematics, a student must satisfy all of the following requirements:
- Course Credits:
- 45 credits, including 15 doctoral dissertation research credits/GRAD 6950
- If you have a Master’s degree in mathematics at UConn, then 30 credits are required, including 15 doctoral dissertation research credits.
- Pass three preliminary exams and two core courses (details below).
- Pass at least one prelim exam after each semester for the first three semesters of their graduate study.
- Finish all prelim exam requirements by the beginning of the spring semester in their second year.
- Finish all core course requirements by the end of their second year of graduate study,
- Choose a thesis advisor no later than the end of the fall semester of the third year.
- Form your advisory committee: Major Advisor and at least two Associate Advisors or Co-Major Advisors and at least one Associate Advisor.
- Pass the General/Oral Exam
- Meant to further the student’s education, scholarship and professional development.
- Material should be in the broad area in which the student intends to write a dissertation, but should not focus on the actual thesis research. Students present and answer questions about the material they have studied.
- The exam is normally taken at the end of the third year or beginning of the fourth year.
- Submit Dissertation Proposal
- Submit Plan of Study
- Apply for Graduation in Student Admin by the fourth week of the final semester.
- Write, defend and submit dissertation.
- Dissertation Specifications under Dissertation Information
- Thesis templates (for LaTex) are available on our Thesis Formatting page
- Submit Approval Page – Step 7
- Complete Survey of Earned Doctorates – Step 7
- Add Diploma Address in Student Admin and Diploma Info.
Preliminary Examination and Core Course Requirements
Pure Mathematics
- Three prelims:
- Two core courses (in addition to courses taken for prelim passes):
Applied Mathematics
- Three prelims:
- Two core courses (in addition to courses taken for prelim passes):
- Math 5111/Measure and Integration
- Math 5120/Complex Function Theory
- Math 5310/Introduction to Geometry and Topology I
- Math 5160/Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes I
- Math 5410/Introduction to Applied Mathematics I
- Math 5440/Partial Differential Equations
- Math 5510/Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory I
- Math 5520/Finite Element Solution Methods I