Wolodymyr Madych is the recipient of the UConn Alumni Association 2008 Faculty Excellence Award in Research (Sciences). (August 2008)
Joseph Pomianowski, an undergraduate student, has received an award from the University of Connecticut Humanities Institute to travel to Poland to research – under supervision of Stuart Sidney – the life of Stefan Banach.
Thomas DeFranco is the recipient of the 2008 AAUP Excellence Award in Teaching Innovation. (March 2008)
Postdoctoral Fellow Matthew Cecil was honored by the UConn Alpha Lambda Delta chapter as Instructor of the Year for 2007/08.
The Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor society for first year students. (February 2008)
Evarist Gine has been chosen to receive one of the Provost’s Research Excellence Awards this year. (February 2008)
Richard Bass< has been designated a University of Connecticut Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor. (January 2008)
In July 2001, Chancellor Petersen announced that four University faculty members had been chosen for the Chancellor's Research and Excellence Awards. We were especially pleased that two were mathematicians, Richard Bass and Joe McKenna. On Thursday, November 15, the Department celebrated with a special dual colloquium at which Rich spoke for 30 minutes about one area of mathematical research to which he has made many contributions and Joe gave a half hour overview of the development of the problems with which he has tangled. The awards were formally presented at the graduate commencement on May 19, 2002.
Alexander Teplyaev has been awarded in the prestigious Humboldt Foundation Fellowship to work on "Stochastic and self-similar equations" with Professor M. Rockner of the University of Bielefeld. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly qualified, early-stage researchers from abroad, who hold doctorates, to carry out research projectsof their own choice in Germany. (July 2007)
Sarah Glaz has been chosen by the Institute of Teaching and Learning as 2007-2008 University Teaching Fellow. (April 2007)
Louis Lombardi, Director of the Actuarial Science Program, has been chosen as the Honors Council Faculty Member of the Year for 2007. (April 2007)
Changfeng Gui is the recipient of the 2007 Provost Research Excellence Award. (April 2007)
Miki Neumann, professor and head of the mathematics department, was named Distinguished Professor by the Board of Trustees on January 30, 2007.
The Mathematics Department will host the Abelian Groups and Modules over Commutative Rings Conference June 11-15, 2007.
Reed Solomon have been awarded the 2005/06 Teaching Promise AAUP Excellence Award. (July 2006)
Changfeng Gui has been selected to present an invited address at the 2006 Fall Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society at Storrs, October 28-29, 2006. (February 2006)
Vadim Olshevsky was appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Integral Equations and Operator Theory. He is also on the editorial boards of Linear Algebra and its Applications and the Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA). (October 2005)
Kyu-Hwan Lee won the the Korean Mathematical Society Prize for excellent papers published in Korean Mathematical Journals. Kyu-Hwan will receive the award at the Korean Mathematical Society's annual meeting. (October 2005)
David Gross was recognized by the Center for Academic Programs. (September 2005)
Stuart J. Sidney was the recipient of the Alumni Association's 2005 Faculty Excellence Award in Teaching at the graduate level. The presentation will be made October 28, 2005, followed by a performance by UConn's Fine Arts students. (October 2005)
James Hurley was awarded the the University of Connecticut High School Cooperative Faculty Coordinator Award for Excellence in Curriculum and Adjunct Faculty Development. Hurley is one of the first two recipients of this award. (April 2005)
Maria Gordina was awarded the prestigious Humboldt Foundation Fellowship to work on "Stochastic Analysis in Infinite Dimensions" with Professor M. Rockner of the University of Bielefeld and with Professor S. Albeverio of the University of Bonn. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly qualified, early-stage researchers from abroad, who hold doctorates, to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany. (March 2005)
Michael Neumann was awarded the Chancellor's Excellence in Research award for 2004-2005 and will be recognized for this achievement at the Undergraduate Commencement in May 2005.
Bill Abikoff was a speaker at the convocation ceremony for the recently formed Honors College at the Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, NY) in January 2004.
Regina Speicher received the University's Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2004.
Yung S. Choi received the Chancellor's Excellence in Research award for 2003-2004 and was recognized for this achievement at the Graduate Commencement in May 2004.
Sarah Glaz received the 2004 UConn AAUP Excellence Award for Teaching Innovation. The award was presented at a ceremony at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on April 14.
Joe McKenna received the Distinguished College or University Teaching Award of the Northeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America for 2004.
Manuel Lerman received the 1999 Research Excellence Award from the UConn Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. This university-wide award recognizes outstanding research contributions by UConn faculty members.
Richard Bass was an invited speaker at International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich. (1994)
Richard Bass was elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. (1989)