Matt Lamoureux is receiving the 2014-2015 Institute for Teaching & Learning Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding teaching by a graduate student from across the university.
Month: March 2014
Prof. Gordina gives one-hour invited address at AMS Spring Sectional Meeting
Professor Maria Gordina is one of the invited lecturers at the 2014 AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting. The title of the talk is: Stochastic analysis and geometric functional inequalities.
Conference in honor of Prof. Evarist Giné’s 70th birthday to be held at University of Cambridge, June 23-25, 2014
Dr. Dragon selected to receive Honors Faculty Member of the Year Award
[dump script=”PersonLink.php?FirstName=Patrick&LastName=Dragon”] has been recently selected to receive the Honors Faculy Member of The Year Award for 2013-2014. This award recognizes faculty members for exemplary work in providing an exceptional educational experience for Honors students.