UConn Math Department hosts Eastern Regional MATHCOUNTS competition

Last Sunday, Feb. 23rd, our department hosted an Eastern Regional MATHCOUNTS competition. This is an official part of the National MATHCOUNTS competition (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathcounts). We have hosted the Eastern Connecticut Regional competition for several years now, and it has been supported by the Department of Mathematics and UConn’s CLAS. This year we had around 150 middle school students (mathletes) registered to compete from 15 middle schools. In addition to the competition itself, the day featured a welcome message from the CLAS Dean, an engaging presentation by Alexandra Hain (Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, https://cee.engr.uconn.edu/people/hain-alexandra), and a trivia competition organized by our PhD students. The event would not be possible without many volunteers including
Jake Brown,
Andrew DeLapo,
Chinmay Dharmendra,
Caylee Spivey
Alec Wendland,
Keith Conrad,
Griff Elder,
Mihai Fulger,
Nicole Massarelli,
Ian Hoffman, and
members of UConn Alpha Phi Omega, and UConn Math office members.

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