Author: Damir Dzhafarov

UConn named 2019 Casualty Actuarial Society University Award recipient

Our department has once again been named a Casualty Actuarial Society University Award recipient! From the award notification:

“Your  program is receiving this recognition for the exemplary and innovative ways in which it prepares students for a career in the property and casualty insurance industry.”

Click here to read the full notification letter. Congratulations to our Actuarial Science faculty and students for their hard work and dedication. To read the full notification letter, see

Awards Day 2019: April 26 at 3:30pm

This year’s Awards Day Ceremony will take place on Friday April 26th at 3:30pm in Schenker Lecture Hall, followed by a talk given by Dr. Steven Miller.

The German Tank Problem: Math/Stats At War

Steven J Miller
Carnegie Mellon and Williams College

During World War II the German army used tanks to devastating advantage. The Allies needed accurate estimates of their tank production and deployment. They used two approaches to find these values: spies, and statistics. In this talk we describe the statistical approach and its generalization. Assuming the tanks are labeled consecutively starting at 1, if we observe $k$ serial numbers from an unknown number $N$ of tanks, with the maximum observed value $m$, what is the best estimate for $N$? This is now known as the German Tank Problem, and is a terrific example of the applicability of mathematics and statistics in the real world. We quickly review some needed combinatorial identities (which is why we are able to obtain clean, closed form expressions), give the proof for the standard problem, discuss the generalization, and show how if we were unable to do the algebra we could guess the formula by an application of linear regression, thus highlighting its power and applicability. Most of the talk only uses basic algebra and elementary knowledge of WWII.