Professor Lozano-Robledo Launches Math Video Series for Kids

April 4, 2020

Algebra for Kids intro slide: what is algebra?

With most colleges around the country teaching online for the remainder of the year, faculty have quickly had to master new technologies and teaching methods to adapt their curricula to the web.

But UConn math professor Álvaro Lozano-Robledo is going the extra mile. In addition to the Applied Linear Algebra course he’s teaching this semester, Professor Lozano-Robledo has launched a new series of videos on YouTube aimed at introducing algebra to 3rd and 4th graders. The new series, entitled “Algebra for Kids”, features fun, colorful animations to explain key concepts like multiplication, grouping, variables, and equations.

“I have been trying to give my kids some extra math activities and material during the school-from-home era, so I started teaching my daughter some algebra,” explains Lozano-Robledo about how he got the idea. He adds, “It gives us something to do, and I imagine many other parents are looking for something like this for their kids to do.”

The first two videos are already racking up views. More are soon to follow, according to Lozano-Robledo.

‼️ COVID-19 Information

March 11, 2020

UConn continues to monitor information and guidance involving the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the U.S. and elsewhere. Your health and safety is UConn’s top priority, and is the guiding principle in our discussions on this topic.

Information specific to our department will be posted here in due course. Please continue to check this page frequently for further updates.


July 16 2020

Department Safety Plan – Summer 2020

March 18 2020

Important update: UConn’s courses at Storrs, the regional campuses and School of Law will move to online delivery starting March 23 through the remainder of the 2020 spring semester, including final exams. Students will be graded and given credit as they normally would. Additional details will continue to be posted under the Academics link at right.

March 13 2020

A useful compilation of resources about alternative teaching methods, both general and specific to affected colleges and universities across the US, is available here.

UConn’s resources from CETL are available here.

March 12 2020

The Department held an online town hall for its faculty and instructors about online teaching, with a detailed presentation of available options by Dr. Amit Savkar, supported by representatives from CETL and UConn ITS. Preparations are well under way and will be in place after Spring Break. Instructors are making individual decisions about which solutions are best suited to their courses, and will be informing students and TAs later next week about format and method of access. Students are advised to contact their instructors with any questions or concerns ahead of the resumption of instruction on March 23.

March 11 2020

Beginning on Monday, March 23, UConn will move to online course delivery for all classes held at the Storrs campus and all regional campuses. Information from the Math Department about individual courses will be made available as soon as possible.


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