Awards Day 2018

April 17, 2018

Please mark your calendars to come celebrate and support our students’ achievements!

The Department of Mathematics’ Annual Awards Day Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, April 25th. There will be a small reception at 3:00 pm in MONT 201, followed by the Awards Ceremony at 3:30 pm in MONT 104 and invited lecture at 4:00 pm by David Constantine (Wesleyan) on “Entropy, Symmetry, and Rigidity”.

For the full program, click here.

All are invited!

Students present at 2018 Spring Frontiers Exhibition

April 15, 2018

Sailesh Simhadri presenting

Three undergraduate students presented posters on their math research during the 2018 Spring Frontiers Exhibition sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR).

Sailesh Simhadri presented his SURF-funded project on random processes associated to linear recurrences.


Raji Majumdar and AnthonRaji Majumdar and Anthony Sisti presentingy Sisti presented their research from last summer on applications of Central Limit Theorems to the Black-Scholes formula in math finance and to products of random matrices. They were supervised by Masha Gordina, and mentored by graduate students Phanuel Mariano and Hugo Panzo. A grant from the OUR allowed them to travel to and present at the 2018 JMM.

AMS Student Chapter Presents: First Annual UConn Integration Bee!

April 11, 2018

On April 19th the math department will host its first integration bee, which we hope will become an annual tradition. An integration bee is like a spelling bee, but students take turns computing integrals instead of spelling words. There will be prizes for the top students and free refreshments for everyone.

The Integration Bee will take place on April 19th at 5 PM in Monteith 313. All undergraduates who are familiar with the material on integration methods from Calculus II are welcome to participate. Walk-ins are welcome, but it is preferred that students who plan to attend send an email by April 18th to Zoe Cramer.

Download flyer.

The event is organized by UConn’s AMS Graduate Student Chapter.

Graduate student receives CETL Outstanding Teaching Award

April 5, 2018

student receiving award

Phanuel Mariano, a graduate student in mathematics, received the 2018 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). This is a university-wide award, including the regional campuses, that honors Teaching Assistants who have gone well beyond the call of duty to affect the student learning and experience for undergraduate students at UConn.

The Outstanding Graduate Teaching Awards were established in 1999 to recognize teaching assistants who demonstrate excellence in the classroom or laboratory. Nominees for this award must demonstrate effective instructional skills, possess excellent interpersonal skills, provide practical feedback, and contribute to the development of the instructional program.

Above, Phanuel Mariano, center, is pictured at the CETL awards reception, with math department head Ambar Sengupta, left, and Phanuel’s advisor and math department associate head, Maria Gordina, right.

Congratulations, Phanuel!

Lan-Hsuan Huang Huang and Damin Wu receive appointments at IAS; Prof. Huang awarded Simons and von Neumann Fellowships

March 25, 2018

Professors Lan-Hsuan Huang and Damin Wu have been appointed as members of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton during the academic year 2018-2019. The membership will provide support for Professors Huang and Wu to spend a sabbatical year participating in the IAS special year program on Variational Methods in Geometry.

Professor Huang’s tenure at IAS will be supported by a von Neumann Fellowship. The highly selective von Neumann fellowship program supports early-career mathematicians as members at IAS for a year.

In addition, Professor Huang is one of the 2018 Simons Fellows in Mathematics. The Simons fellowship will provide additional sabbatical funding to support Professor Huang’s research proposal “Geometry of General Relativity,” allowing her to extend her sabbatical leave to the full academic year 2018-2019.