Valdez, Vadiveloo and Gan receive CAE research grant from the Society of Actuaries

August 29, 2017

Professors Emiliano A. Valdez, Jeyaraj Vadiveloo and Guojun Gan have been awarded a Center of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) research grant from the Society of Actuaries. The grant will support a three-year (2017-2020) research project on “Applying Data Mining Techniques in Actuarial Science” which aims to examine and evaluate data mining tools and approaches for analyzing data in actuarial science and insurance. In particular, they will focus on tools and methods that will effectively demonstrate on how actuaries can use them to preform predictive analytics in three specific areas: claims tracking and monitoring in life insurance, understanding policyholder behavior in general insurance, and model efficiency for variable annuity products.

This research grant is part of a competition that is sponsored by the Society of Actuaries each year for schools that have received the CAE designation. The submission process involves passing two rounds that make it extremely competitive and the review process normally takes about 5-6 months till final decision. In the first round, interested CAE universities must submit a brief letter of intent with a summary of proposed research project. In 2016, 18 CAE schools submitted letters of intent and only about half were invited to submit a full proposal in the second round. Full proposals are then judged according to five criteria: impact, cost-benefit, uniqueness, viability, and overall quality. Each year, only about 2-3 universities receive an education or research grant.

This is the first time that the SOA awarded such a research grant to the University of Connecticut. Other universities that have received such grants include University of Waterloo, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Michigan. A complete list of past CAE grant awards may be found here (

A website detailing the UConn research grant may be found on this link

Summer 2017 REU on Stochastics and Fractals

June 19, 2017

This summer the Mathematics REU program on stochastics and fractals is organized by Professors Luke Rogers, Masha Gordina and Sasha Teplyaev. In addition, Luke Rogers, Phanuel Mariano and Gamal Mograby organized the 5th Northeast Mathematics Undergraduate Research Mini-Symposium at the University of Connecticut on August 3rd, 2017. The program is supported by an NSF REU Site Grant. Visit the UConn Math REU Page for more information.

2017 Awards Day

April 20, 2017

Come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our students!

Our Annual Awards Day Ceremony is on Friday, April 28th. We will have tea at 3:00 PM in Monteith 201, followed by the awards ceremony at 3:30 PM in Schenker Lecture Hall. (Program and list of awards.)

This year’s Invited Address will be given by Dr. Brendan Kelly, preceptor in Mathematics at Harvard University. He will speak on “How many ways can I get to the coffee shop?”.

2017 Putnam Team Soars High

April 17, 2017

The 2017 William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition saw 4164 contestants from 568 colleges in the USA and Canada. There were also teams from 415 institutions.

The UConn delegation saw one of its best performances in recent years. Out of 415, our team ranked 49th overall. We placed 60th and 85th in 2016 and 2015, respectively, so this is a marked improvement, but also a continuation of our consistently excellent performance. Congratulations to all!

Our team fielded 15 competitors, a wonderful group of very talented and hard working students. Many of them are graduating this year, and we wish them well in their future endeavors, and look forward to welcoming the next cohort of competitors in the fall!

2017 Calculus Competition

March 22, 2017

The annual Calculus Competition will be held 6:30-8:00 p.m. Thursday
6 April 2017 in room 226 of the Monteith Building. Cash and book prizes
will be awarded in three categories: Beginner (roughly, through first-year
calculus), Intermediate (roughly, through multivariable calculus, beginning
differential equations, and beginning linear algebra), and Over-all. All
UConn undergraduates, and pre-college students taking math courses
AT UCONN (not co-op courses in high school), are eligible to participate.
Participants should register by Monday 3 April, either on the sheet outside
the Reception Office (Monteith 217) or (better) by email to Prof. Sidney; if you register by email, give your name, phone
number, email address, and the numbers of UConn math courses you are taking
now, with instructor names for multi-section courses. Participants should
arrive at the competition by 6:20 the evening of the exam. Questions may be
addressed to Prof. Sidney.