
Faculty Members Win Provost’s Teaching Innovation Mini Grant Competition

Drew Jaramillo and Maree Jaramillo, Visiting Assistant Professors of Mathematics, are among the winners of the 2015 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Mini Grant Competition. This new grant competition was open to faculty of all ranks, across all UConn campuses. This grant competition was designed to provide support for faculty innovation in teaching effectiveness and improved student learning outcomes. More than 90 mini-grant proposals were submitted—26 proposals representing 21 different departments were funded. Drew Jaramillo won for his project “Evaluation of course hybridization in mathematics”, while Maree Jaramillo won for her project “Flipping an upper level mathematics course to increase student engagement”. More information, along with a list of all of this year’s winners, is available from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

Forty-year-old conjecture solved in recent joint paper of Damin Wu

Professor Damin Wu, jointly with S.T. Yau, has settled a conjecture in complex geometry and algebraic geometry posed by Yau in the 1970s. The conjecture asserts that a projective manifold has an ample canonical bundle if the manifold admits a Kahler metric with negative holomorphic curvature.

The paper by Wu and Yau proving the conjecture is entitled Negative holomorphic curvature and positive canonical bundle, and will appear in the prestigious journal Inventiones Mathematicae.

Memorial Session for Evarist Giné at the New England Statistics Symposium

A memorial session entitled “Probability and Related Topics — in memory of Evarist Giné” to be held during the New England Statistics Symposium (NESS) hosted by the UConn Statistics Department on Saturday, April 25, 3:30-4:45 in AUST 434.


Rick Vitale (UConn) Welcome
Dick Dudley (MIT) “Evarist as a student, teacher and friend”
Victor de la Pena (Columbia) “Dependence measures: a perspective”
Iddo Ben-Ari (UConn) “Evarist’s favorite undergraduate proof and where it got me”
Lu Lu (Colby) “On the sup-norm behavior of the Bernstein density estimator”
Molly Hahn (Tufts), and others as they would like: “Evarist: Reminiscences”