Profs. [dump script=”PersonLink.php?FirstName=Luke&LastName=Rogers”] and [dump script=”PersonLink.php?FirstName=Alexander&LastName=Teplyaev”] are members of the organizing committee of the 5th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals. The conference will take place in Ithaca NY, from June 11–15, 2014,
and is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Kyu-Hwan Lee co-organizes satellite conference to International Congress of Mathematicians
Prof. [dump script=”PersonLink.php?UniqueID=1972″] is a member of the organizing committee of a satellite conference to the International Congress of Mathematicians, titled “Representation Theory and Related Topics”. The conference will take place in Daegu, South Korea, from Aug 6 to Aug 9, 2014, and is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Elliptic Curves @ UConn, on Saturday, May 17th (Updated)
Elliptic Curves @ UConn is an instructional conference on elliptic curves and (closely) related topics. The talks are aimed at graduate students in number theory, with a background in algebraic number theory, and some basic knowledge of elliptic curves, but everyone is welcome to attend. Registration for the conference is free. The conference will take place on Saturday, May 17th, at the Storrs campus of the University of Connecticut.
Update: photos from the event are now available on our Facebook page.
Math Department launches Facebook and YouTube presence
It is now easier than ever to connect with our Department and keep in touch.
Our brand new Facebook page will feature news items about our students, faculty, and visitors, as well as photos from events like our annual Departmental Picnic and Awards Day.
Our YouTube channel will feature videos of colloquia, seminars, and other lectures given at our Department, including the annual invited address at our Awards Day, and select talks from the Math Club.
Whether you are an alumnus or current student, like us or subscribe today, and show off your UConn Math pride!
Matt Lamoureux receives outstanding graduate teaching award
Matt Lamoureux is receiving the 2014-2015 Institute for Teaching & Learning Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, which recognizes outstanding teaching by a graduate student from across the university.
Renowned mathematician Jerzy Weyman joins UConn as Stuart and Joan Sidney Endowed Professor of Mathematics.
UConn Semester in Differential Geometry
The Department of Mathematics is hosting a semester-long program in differential geometry, starting with a lecture series by Rick Schoen (Stanford) during October 2-4.
Ralf Schiffler receives NSF CAREER award for research in cluster algebras
Math major receives prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship
Math major Tyler Reese was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Tyler worked under guidance of Luke Rogers, Dan Kelleher and Sasha Teplyaev. He will continue his research in the Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics graduate program at the University of Michigan. For a video of Tyler’s presentation at the 2012 FRONTIERS Poster Exhibit, click here.
Amit Savkar receives AAUP Award
Amit Savkar received the AAUP Excellence Award in Teaching Innovation for 2013, along with Xinnian Chen (Physiology and Neurobiology).