Ningwei Jiang |
Iddo Ben-Ari |
Representation and Characterization of Quasistationary Distributions for Markov Chains |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Yingzhou He |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Enhancing the Healthy Life Expectancy Model by Analyzing the Quality of Life for Older Individuals |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Yuance He |
Guojun Gan |
Retirement Financial Plan with Basic Expenses Model |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Waseet Kazmi |
Reed Solomon |
Ordered groups, computability and Cantor-Bendixson rank |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Daniel Mourad |
Reed Solomon |
Computability theory: constructive applications of the lefthanded local lemma and characterizations of some classes of cohesive powers |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Teerawat Thewmorakot |
Reed Solomon |
Computability theory on Polish metric spaces |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Jinkai Xu |
Guojun Gan |
Synthetic datasets and their applications in actuarial science |
2023 |
Mathematics |
Geoffrey Lindsell |
Fabrice Baudoin |
Convergence Theorems for the Modeling of Anticipations in Financial Markets, Mathematics |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Anastasiia Minenkova |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Stability of Some Canonical Forms of
Matrices under Small Perturbation |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Zhiguo Wang |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Health Risk Scoring and Tracking System (HRST) for Type 2 Diabetes |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Jiadong Zhu |
Alexander Russell |
Subversion-resistant cryptography: correcting random functions and random permutations |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Marco Carfagnini |
Maria Gordina |
Analysis and geometry of path spaces |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Christopher Hayes |
Luke Rogers |
Resistance and current estimates on some infinitely ramified fractals |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Liangbing Luo |
Maria Gordina |
Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on non-isotropic Heisenberg groups |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Nhu Nguyen |
Gang George Yin |
Analysis of Systems of Stochastic Delay Differential Equations and Applications to Mathematical Biology |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Oleksandr Pavlenko |
Oleksii Mostovyi |
Asymptotic Analysis of the Optimal Investment Problem when Wealth Can Become Negative |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Matthew Plante |
Tom Roby |
The Whirling action on $P$-partitions and rowmotion on chain-factor posets |
2022 |
Mathematics |
Garen Chiloyan |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo |
Isogeny-Torsion Graphs Defined over the Rationals |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Geonhee (Gunhee) Cho |
Damin Wu |
Invariant Metrics in Hyperbolic
Complex Geometry |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Noah Hughes |
Damir Dzhafarov |
Applications of Computability Theory to Infinitary Combinatorics |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Evelyn Nitch-Griffin |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Stability Classification for Schur Canonical form under small perturbations |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Nha Truong |
Liang Xiao |
The Hecke Operators on the space of automorphic forms over a definite quaternion algebra |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Gianmarco Vega-Molino |
Fabrice Baudoin |
Totally Geodesic Foliations and sub-Riemannian Geometry |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Guang Yang |
Fabrice Baudoin |
Hormander’s Theorem for Markovian Rough Paths and Heat Kernel Lower Bounds on Kahler and Quaternion Kahler Manifolds |
2021 |
Mathematics |
Kyle Allaire |
Dmitriy Leykekhman |
Resolvent Estimates and Discrete Maximal Parabolic Regularity for Galerkin Finite Element Methods |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Robert Dolan |
Jeffrey Connors |
Flux Partitioning and Reconstruction Methods for Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Hyun Chul Jang |
Lan-Hsuan Huang |
Topics on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds in General Relativity |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Himchan Jeong |
Emiliano Valdez |
Applications of Random Effects in Dependent Compound Risk Models |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Andrew Miller |
Dmitriy Leykekhman |
On the Positivity of the Discrete Green’s Function for Unstructured Finite Elements Discretizations in Three Dimensions |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Gamal Mograby |
Alexander Teplyaev |
Quantum Information on Graphs and Fractals/ |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Lisa Naples |
Matthew Badger |
Rectifiability of Pointwise Doubling Measures in Hilbert Space |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Elizabeth Sheridan-Rossi |
Tom Roby |
Homomesy for Foatic Actions on the Symmetric Group |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Sahinde Akgul-Dogruer |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Lipschitz Stability of Gamma-FOCS and RC Canonical Jordan Bases of Real H-selfadjoint Matrices under Small Perturbations |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Jieun Lee |
Young-Sze Choi |
Existence of Localized Pulse Solutions to Skew-Gradient Systems |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Sangjoon Lee |
Iddo Ben-Ari |
Asymptotic Analysis of Quasi-limiting Behavior for Drifted Brownian Motion Conditioned to Stay Positive |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Jungang Li |
Guozhen Lu |
Sharp Trudinger-Moser Inequalities On Riemannian Manifolds And Heisenberg Groups |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Melissa Newell |
Fabiana Cardetti |
Investigating Students’ Mathematical Needs and Successful Tutoring Strategies |
2019 |
Mathematics |
David Nichols |
Damir Dzhafarov |
Effective Techniques in Reverse Mathematics |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Amy Peterson |
Ambar Sengupta |
Gaussian Limits and Polynomials on High Dimensional Spheres |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Junqing Qian |
Damin Wu |
Modular Functions and Asymptotic Geometry on Punctured Riemann Spheres |
2020 |
Mathematics |
Zhiyu Quan |
Emiliano Valdez |
Insurance Analytics with Tree-Based Models |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Qintian Sun |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Dynamic Retirement Financial Planning Model |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Robert Sweet McDonald |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo |
Torsion Subgroups of Elliptic Curves over Function Fields |
2019 |
Mathematics |
Abdou Alzubaidi |
Yung-Sze Choi and Jeffrey Connors |
Numerical Computation of Traveling Wave and Standing Pulse Solutions to FitzHugh-Nagumo Equations in 2D |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Mengxia Dong |
Guozhen Lu |
Best Constants, Extremal Functions and Stability for Geometric and Functional Inequalities |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Faisal Duraihem |
Yung-Sze Choi |
A Numerical Investigation of Multiple Traveling Pulse and Front Solutions |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Kyle Evans |
Fabiana Cardetti |
Investigating the Relationship Between Mathematics Education and Global Citizenship Education Through K-12 Mathematics Teacher Perspectives |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Qi Feng |
Fabrice Baudoin |
Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Riemannian Foliations |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Phanuel Mariano |
Maria Gordina |
Functional Inequalities for Hypoelliptic Diffusions using Probabilistic and Geometric Methods |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Daniel Martin |
Lan-Hsuan Huang |
Mass in General Relativity |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Rebecca Moran |
Yung-Sze Choi |
Traveling Waves in a Suspension Bridge |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Hugo Panzo |
Iddo Ben-Ari |
Scaled Penalization of Brownian Motion with Drift |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Michelle Rabideau |
Ralf Schiffler |
Continued Fractions in Cluster Algebras, Lattice Paths and Markov Numbers |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Huili Tang |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
/National Retirement Sustainability Index |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Jiatian Xu |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Quantile Optimization in Stochastic Financial Planning Model |
2018 |
Mathematics |
Ulysses Andrews |
Alexander Teplyaev |
Existence of Diffusions on 4N-Carpets |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Antoni Brzoska |
Luke Rogers and Alexander Teplyaev |
Spectral Properties of the Hata Tree |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Michael Chou |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo |
Torsion of Rational Elliptic Curves over Abelian Extensions of Q |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Michael Joseph |
Thomas Roby |
Toggling Involutions and Homomesies for Maps on Finite Sets, Noncrossing Partitions, and Independent Sets of Path Graphs |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Steven Lemay |
Fabiana Cardetti |
Teachers’ Navigation of Mathematical Representations in Argumentation |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Marie Nicholson |
Reed Solomon |
Applications of Computability Theory to Partial
and Linear Orders |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Rachel Stahl |
Reed Solomon |
Computability theoretic results for the game of cops and robbers on infinite graphs |
2017 |
Mathematics |
Frank Arthur |
Xiaodong Yan |
Liouville-type Theorems for Higher-Order Elliptic Systems |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Malva Asaad |
Maria Gordina |
Hypoelliptic Heat Kernel on Nilpotent Lie Groups |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Cagnur Corekli |
Dmitriy Leykekhman |
Finite Element Methods of Dirichlet Boundary Optimal Control Problems with Weakly Imposed Boundary Conditions |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Jonathan Judge |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
Modules over Rank 2 KLR Algebras |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Andras Lorincz |
Jerzy Weyman |
Bernstein-Sato Polynomials for Quivers |
2016 |
Mathematics |
David Miller |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Fast Algorithms for Structured Matrices and Laurent Polynomials
2016 |
Mathematics |
Gao Niu |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Actuarial Applications of Agent-Based Modeling |
2016 |
Actuarial Science |
Tze-Chun Ou |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
Irreducible Modules over KLR Algebras of Twisted Affine Type |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Rozita Ramli |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Generalized Linear Model Approach to Adjusting Expected Assumptions of Long Term Care Incidence Rates |
2016 |
Actuarial Science |
Fan Ny Shum |
Maria Gordina |
Stabilization by Noise of Systems of Complex-valued ODEs |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Sandi Xhumari |
Keith Conrad |
Generalized p-adic Gauss Sums |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Stephen Zito |
Ralf Schiffler |
Modules from Tilted to Cluster-Tilted Algebras |
2016 |
Mathematics |
Priyantha Hewa Katuwandeniyage |
Emiliano Valdez |
Multivariate Longitudinal Data Analysis for Actuarial Applications |
2015 |
Actuarial Science |
Shujuan Huang |
Brian Hartman |
Risk Assessment and Pricing for Group Health Claims |
2015 |
Actuarial Science |
Ushani Kariyawasam Majuwana Gamage |
Emiliano Valdez |
Longitudinal Analysis of Mortality Risk Factors for Actuarial Valuation |
2015 |
Actuarial Science |
Michael Mackenzie |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Unitary k-Hessenberg Matrices |
2015 |
Mathematics |
Caleb Martin |
Reed Solomon |
Computability Theory and Ordered Groups |
2015 |
Mathematics |
Ryan Pellico |
Joseph McKenna |
Multiple Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Suspension Bridge System of Partial Differential Equations |
2015 |
Mathematics |
Khrystyna Serhiyenko |
Ralf Schiffler |
Induced and Coinduced Modules over Cluster-Tilted Algebras |
2015 |
Mathematics |
Jacob Suggs |
Reed Solomon |
On Lowness for Isomorphism as Restricted to Classes of Structures |
2015 |
Mathematics |
Wenyuan Zheng |
Brian Hartman |
Portfolio Choice with Life Annuities under Probability Distortion |
2015 |
Actuarial Science |
Unawatuna Gunathilaka |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Property & Casualty Claim Cost Management |
2014 |
Actuarial Science |
Tingting Huan |
Changfeng Gui |
Traveling Fronts to Reaction Diffusion Equations with Fractional Laplacians |
2014 |
Mathematics |
Daniel Kelleher |
Alexander Teplyaev |
Geometric Methods in Analysis on Fractals |
2014 |
Mathematics |
Matthew Lamoureux |
Keith Conrad |
Stirling’s Formula in Number Fields |
2014 |
Mathematics |
Mingfeng Zhao |
Changfeng Gui |
Traveling Wave Solutions to the Allen-Cahn Equations with Fractional Laplacians |
2014 |
Mathematics |
Alex Baldenko |
Maria Gordina |
The Top Lyapunov Exponent of Symplectic Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory and Numerics |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Ilke Canakci |
Ralf Schiffler |
Snake Graph Calculus and Cluster Algebras on Surfaces |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Harris Daniels |
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo |
Siegel Functions, Modular Curves, and Serre’s Uniformity Problem |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Gabriel Feinberg |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
Homogeneous Representations of Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier Algebras |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Ji Li |
Thomas Peters |
Topological and Isotopic Equivalence with Applications to Visualization |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Lu Lu |
Evarist Gine |
On the Integrated Square Error of the Linear Wavelet Density Estimator |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Hua Ren |
Richard Bass |
Meyer’s Inequality for Stable-like Operators and Pathwise Uniqueness for Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps |
2013 |
Mathematics |
Milanthi Sarukkali |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Replicated Stratified Sampling for Sensitivity Analysis |
2013 |
Actuarial Science |
Lucas David-Roesler |
Ralf Schiffler |
Algebras from Surfaces and Their Derived Equivalences |
2012 |
Mathematics |
David Ferrone |
Wolodymyr Madych |
Finite Biorthogonal Transforms and Multiresolution Analyses on Intervals |
2012 |
Mathematics |
John Haga |
Masha Gordina |
Lévy Processes in a Three-Step Nilpotent Lie Group |
2012 |
Mathematics |
Mututhanthrige Perera |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Quasiseparable Approach to Matrices of Vandermonde Type |
2012 |
Mathematics |
Benjamin Salisbury |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
A Combinatorial Description of the Gindikin-Karpelevich Formula |
2012 |
Mathematics |
Hui Shan |
Jeyaraj Vadiveloo |
Managing a Portfolio of Life Settlement Policies |
2012 |
Actuarial Science |
Avraham Bourla |
Andrew Haas |
The Bi-sequences of Approximation Coefficients for Gauss-like and Renyi-like Maps of the Interval |
2011 |
Mathematics |
Jeffrey Ledford |
Wolodymyr Madych |
On the Convergence of One-Parameter Families of Interpolators |
2011 |
Mathematics |
Ryan Schwarz |
Sarah Glaz |
Zero-Divisor Conditions in Commutative Group Rings |
2011 |
Mathematics |
Brian Whitehead |
Richard Bass |
Occupation Times for Jump Processes |
2011 |
Mathematics |
Fang Zhang |
Changfeng Gui |
A Qualitative Research on Allen-Cahn Equations |
2011 |
Mathematics |
Xiang Huang |
Changfeng Gui |
Nonrigid Image Registration Problem Using Fluid Dynamics and Mutual Information |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Deniz Karli |
Richard Bass |
Probabilistic Littlewood-Paley Theory |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Su Liang |
Sarah Glaz |
An Investigation of the Preparation of Award-winning Grades 7–12 Mathematics Teachers from the Shandong Province of China |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Philip Lombardo |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
The Constant Terms of Eisenstein Series of Affine Kac-Moody Groups over Function Fields |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Lance Miller |
Keith Conrad |
On the Structure of Witt-Burnside Rings Attached to Pro-p Groups |
2010 |
Mathematics |
David Molnar |
Andrew Haas |
Metrical Diophantine Approximation for Continued Fraction-like Maps of the Interval |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Benjamin Steinhurst |
Alexander Teplyaev |
Diffusions and Laplacians on Laakso, Barlow-Evans, and other Fractals |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Amy Turlington |
Reed Solomon |
Computability of Heyting algebras and Distributive Lattices |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Mang Wu |
Maria Gordina |
Stochastic and Geometric Analysis on Two Infinite-dimensional Groups |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Fangjun Xu |
Richard Bass |
A class of singular symmetric Markov processes |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Pavel Zhlobich |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Quasiseparable Matrices and Polynomials |
2010 |
Mathematics |
Jonathan Axtell |
Kyu-Hwan Lee |
Vertex Operator Algebras for Type G Affine Lie Algebras |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Lin Ge |
Ron Blei |
Relationships Between Combinatorial Measurements and Orlicz Norms |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Tho Huynh |
Richard Bass |
Parabolic Harnack Inequality and Caccioppoli Inequality for Stable-like Processes |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Matthew Jura |
Reed Solomon |
Reverse Mathematics and the Coloring Number of Graphs |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Oscar Levin |
Reed Solomon |
Computability Theory, Reverse Mathematics, and Ordered Fields |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Tyler Markkanen |
Reed Solomon |
Separating the Degree Spectra of Structures |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Craig Miller |
Yung Sze Choi |
Global Existence of Solutions to a Moving Boundary Problem |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Upendra Prasad |
Michael Neumann |
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Russell Prime |
Keith Conrad |
Averaging Quadratic L-Series over Function Fields |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Robert Wooster |
Maria Gordina |
Evolution Systems of Measures for Non-autonomous Stochastic Differential Equations with Levy Noise |
2009 |
Mathematics |
Gorjan Alagic |
Alexander Russell |
Uncertainty Principles for Compact Groups |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Thomas Bella |
Vadim Olshevsky |
Topics in Numerical Linear Algebra Related to Quasiseparable and other Structured Matrices |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Marc Corluy |
Richard Bass |
Rates of Convergence in the Central Limit Theorem for Markov Chains |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Hailin Sang |
Evarist Gine |
Asymptotic Properties of Generalized Kernel Density Estimators |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Lisa Termine |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Existence of Solutions to Semi-linear Elliptic Differential Equations: Approximation and Verification |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Rong Zhou |
Yung Sze Choi |
Numerical Simulation of Cell Movement |
2008 |
Mathematics |
Adam Bowers |
Ron Blei |
Generalizations and Extensions of the Grothendieck Inequality |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Sawinder Kaur |
Israel Koltracht |
On an Eigenvalue Problem for some Nonlinear Transformations of Multi-dimensional Arrays |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Ryan Mullen |
Stuart Sidney |
Examples of Banach Spaces that are not Banach Algebras |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Sudath Ranasinghe |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Model to Develop a Provision for Adverse Deviation (PAD) for the Mortality Risk of Impaired Lives |
2007 |
Actuarial Science |
Alexander Rogalski |
Reed Solomon |
Reverse Mathematics on Lattice Ordered Groups |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Rachel Schwell |
Ralph Kaufmann |
Operads, Polytopes, and the A-infinity-Deligne conjecture |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Yuriy Shlapak |
Israel Koltracht |
Numerical Methods for Finding Certain Solutions to Gross-Pitaevskii Type Equations with General Potentials |
2007 |
Mathematics |
Mohammud Foondun |
Richard Bass |
Harnack Inequalities for Integro-differential Operators |
2006 |
Mathematics |
Huili Tang |
Richard Bass |
Uniqueness for the Martingale Problem Associated with Pure Jump Processes |
2006 |
Mathematics |
Minerva Catral |
Michael Neumann |
Group Inverses and Mean First Passage Matrices in Finite Ergodic Markov Chains |
2005 |
Mathematics |
Krista O’Neill |
P. Joseph McKenna |
High Frequency Response to Low Frequency Forcing in a Nonlinear Mechanical Model |
2005 |
Mathematics |
Regina Speicher |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical Solutions to an Allen-Cahn Type Equation |
2005 |
Mathematics |
Alexander Lavrentiev |
Richard Bass |
Uniqueness of the Martingale Problem for Some Degenerate Elliptic Operators |
2004 |
Mathematics |
Ermek Nurkhaidarov |
James Schmerl |
On Automorphisms of Models of Peano Arithmetic |
2004 |
Mathematics |
Gabriela Bulancea |
Stuart Sidney |
Sequence Algebras of Continuous Functions |
2003 |
Mathematics |
Molli Jones |
Eugene Spiegel |
Group Gradings of Incidence Algebras |
2003 |
Mathematics |
Jonathan Keiter |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
One-Vertex Triangulations and Heegaard Splittings |
2003 |
Mathematics |
Jianghong Xu |
Michael Neumann |
Parallel Computations for Markov Chains via Perron Complementation |
2003 |
Mathematics |
Peng Zhou |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Stochastic Modeling of Post-Retirement Financial Planning |
2003 |
Actuarial Science |
Sungwook Lee |
Kinetsu Abe |
Space-Like Surfaces of Constant Mean Curvature in De Sitter 3-Space S(1,3) |
2002 |
Mathematics |
Nataliya Savytska |
Israel Koltracht |
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Gross-Pitaevskii Type and Their Discrete Analogues |
2002 |
Mathematics |
Jiri Horak |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Traveling Waves in Nonlinearly Supported Beams and Plates |
2001 |
Mathematics |
Muge Kanuni |
Eugene Spiegel |
Dense Ideals and Maximal Quotient Rings of Incidence Algebras |
2001 |
Mathematics |
Jason Molitierno |
Michael Neumann |
Coefficient of Ergodicity Type Bounds for the Algebraic Connectivity of Graphs |
2001 |
Mathematics |
Mihai Pascu |
Richard Bass |
Probabilistic Approaches to Eigenvalue Problems |
2001 |
Mathematics |
Guy Rasoanaivo |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Stochastic Modeling for Long-Term Care Insurance |
2001 |
Actuarial Science |
Talitha Washington |
Yung Sze Choi |
Mathematical Model of Proteins Acting as On/Off Switches |
2001 |
Mathematics |
Burkhard Englert |
Manuel Lerman |
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Embedding Principally Decomposable Finite Lattices into the C.E. Degrees Preserving Greatest Element |
2000 |
Mathematics |
Yevgeniy Galperin |
Karlheinz Grochenig |
Uncertainty Principles as Embeddings of Modulation Spaces |
2000 |
Mathematics |
Lixing Han |
Michael Neumann |
Algorithms for Unconstrained Optimization |
2000 |
Mathematics |
Sheon Young Kang |
Israel Koltracht |
Numerical Solution of Integral Equations with Nonsmooth Kernels and Applications |
2000 |
Mathematics |
Slaven Stricevic |
Ron Blei |
Continuous-Time Models of Generalized Random Walks |
2000 |
Mathematics |
Chin-Mei Chueh |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Stochastic Economic Modeling for the Deferred Annuity (Accumulation) Line of Business: Efficient Modeling Approaches for Large and Consolidated Business Blocks |
1999 |
Actuarial Science |
Josip Derado |
Karlheinz Grochenig |
Multivariate Refinable Interpolating Functions |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Guihua Fei |
Soon-Kyu Kim |
Periodic Solution of Hamiltonian System and Minimal Period Problem |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Fuchang Gao |
Ron Blei |
Majorizing Measures and their Application |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Reo Gonzales |
Israel Koltracht |
Integral Equation Method for the Continuous Spectrum Schrödinger Equation |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Ensil Kang |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
Normal Surfaces in Knot Complements |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Yow-Ming Kang |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Analysis and Implementation of Provision for Adverse Deviation Payout Annuities: A Stochastic Approach |
1999 |
Actuarial Science |
Eun Heui Kim |
Yung Sze Choi |
On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Quasilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems |
1999 |
Mathematics |
Kristen Moore |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Large Amplitude Torsional Oscillations in a Nonlinearly Suspended Beam: A Theoretical and Numerical Investigation |
1999 |
Mathematics |
James Caggiano |
Ron Blei |
Sets of Interpolation for Fourier Transforms of Fréchet Measures |
1998 |
Mathematics |
Salti Samarah |
Karlheinz Grochenig |
Modulation Spaces and Nonlinear Approximation |
1998 |
Mathematics |
Shiqin Xia |
Israel Koltracht |
Fast Numerical Schemes for Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind |
1998 |
Mathematics |
Leiping Yu |
Kinetsu Abe |
An Alternative Approach to Critical Point Theory |
1998 |
Mathematics |
Hong Dai |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Measuring and Analyzing Volatility Risk in Disability Income |
1997 |
Actuarial Science |
Sharon Hill |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical and Theoretical Investigation of the Variational Formulation of a Water Wave Problem |
1997 |
Mathematics |
Yue Chen |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical Variational Methods for Approximating Traveling Waves in a Nonlinearly Suspended Beam |
1996 |
Mathematics |
Xianghao Cui |
Soon-Kyu Kim |
A Study of the Relative Critical Point Theory and the Critical Groups in Locally Closed Convex Subsets of Banach Manifolds |
1996 |
Mathematics |
Karl Krog |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Characterizations of Balanced and CobalancedButler Groups |
1996 |
Mathematics |
David Pinchbeck |
William Abikoff |
Nondiscrete Groups of Möbius Transformations |
1996 |
Mathematics |
Dragan Radulovic |
Evarist Gine |
The Bootstrap for Empirical Processes under Dependence |
1996 |
Mathematics |
Yan Jin |
William Abikoff |
Poincare Theta Series and Convergence of Kleinian Groups |
1995 |
Mathematics |
Euhee Kim |
Yung Sze Choi |
Long-time Behavior of Solutions of a Multidimensional Electrophoretic Model with a Simple Reaction |
1995 |
Mathematics |
Yuanqian Li |
William Abikoff |
Limit Theorems in Reflected Brownian Motions and in Markov Chains Associated to Iterated Function Systems |
1995 |
Mathematics |
Haja-Nirina Razafinjatovo |
Karlheinz Grochenig |
Irregular Sampling with Derivatives |
1995 |
Mathematics |
Chunying Wang |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical and Theoretical Results for the Real Monge-Ampere Equation |
1995 |
Mathematics |
Zhiqiang Chen |
Evarist Gine |
On Some Generalized Medians |
1994 |
Mathematics |
Yonghong Chen |
Michael Neumann |
Sign Patterns of Generalized Inverses of Matrices |
1994 |
Mathematics |
Lisa Doolittle Humphreys |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical and Theoretical Results on Large Amplitude Periodic Solutions of a Suspension Bridge Equation |
1994 |
Mathematics |
Reiff Lafleur |
William Wickless |
On Cotypesets of Finite Rank Torsion-Free Abelian Groups |
1994 |
Mathematics |
Eugene Boman |
Israel Koltracht |
Fast Algorithms for Toeplitz Equations |
1993 |
Mathematics |
Mei Gao |
Michael Neumann |
Measuring the Distance from a System to the Set of All Uncontrollable Systems |
1993 |
Mathematics |
Shiho Pan |
Roger Hansell |
Descriptive Topological Spaces and Perfect Maps |
1993 |
Mathematics |
Nasser Towghi |
Ron Blei |
Integration and Functions of Finite p-Variation |
1993 |
Mathematics |
Minxie Zhang |
Wolodymyr Madych |
Image Reconstruction from Radon Transform Data |
1993 |
Mathematics |
Gerard Coutu |
Domina Spencer |
Postulational Formulation of Magnetohydrodynamics |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Yangling Feng |
P. Joseph McKenna |
The Study of Nonlinear Flexings in a Floating Beam by Variational Methods |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Robert Labarre |
Eugene Spiegel |
Computational Geometry Techniques for 2D and 3D Unstructured Mesh Generation of Divergence from Partial Differential Equations |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Christopher O’Donnell |
Eugene Spiegel |
Maximal and Minimal Prime Ideals of Incidence Algebras with Applications to Ring Theory |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Zhidong Pan |
Stuart Sidney |
Properties of Nest Algebras |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Ningyi Wang |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
Normal Surfaces in Fibered 3-Manifolds |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Frank Weber |
Manuel Lerman |
Invariant Constructions in the Relative R.E. Degrees and Embeddings into Initial Segments of the Lattice of Ideals of R.E. Degrees |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Ding Xiao |
Israel Koltracht |
Numerical Analysis of Mappings Associated with Positive Definite Toeplitz matrices |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Taiping Ye |
William Abikoff |
The Numerical Computation of the Douady-Earle Extension and Teichmueller Mappings |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Xun Yu |
Yung Sze Choi |
Investigation of Steady-State Solutions for Electrochemical Processes |
1992 |
Mathematics |
Maoli Chang |
Wolodymyr Madych |
Polyharmonic Cardinal Hermite Spline Interpolations |
1991 |
Mathematics |
Hyeyoung Her |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Multiple Periodic Solutions in a Hanging Cable with Periodic Forcing |
1991 |
Mathematics |
Min Her |
Ron Blei |
Multilinear Measure Theory and its Applications |
1991 |
Mathematics |
Shu-An Hu |
James Hurley |
The Numerical Ranges of Operators |
1991 |
Mathematics |
Margaret Boman |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
Decision Algorithms and Normal Surfaces in 3-Manifolds |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Paul Budney |
William Wickless |
Some Applications of the P-X Dual |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Sunwook Hwang |
Stuart Sidney |
Aspects of Commutative Banach Algebras |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Kuo-Ching Jen |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Numerical Investigation of Periodic Solutions for a Suspension Bridge Model |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Guangyu Liu |
Jerome Neuwirth |
Some Problems about Joint Ergodicity and Uniform Distributions |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Aihua Wang Shaker |
P. Joseph McKenna |
Maximum Principle Methods for Semilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Michael Tsatsomeros |
Michael Neumann |
Reachability of Nonnegative and Symbiotic States for Linear Differential Systems |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Gerard Vinel |
William Abikoff |
Symmetric Supermanifolds and Lie Triple Supersystems |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Peter Yom |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
Characterization of a Class of Torsion-Free Abelian Groups |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Zhiming Zou |
Manuel Lerman |
Some Results on Jumps of Splittings of Recursively EnumerableSets |
1990 |
Mathematics |
Seong-Kowan Hong |
Kinetsu Abe |
The Generalized Gauss Maps of a Maximal Surface in Lorentzian Space |
1989 |
Mathematics |
Seok-Ku Ko |
William Abikoff |
Embedding Riemann Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds |
1989 |
Mathematics |
Xingwang Xu |
William Abikoff |
On Möbius Groups of Riemannian Manifolds |
1989 |
Mathematics |
Wenhuan Yu |
Wolodymyr Madych |
Inverse Problems in Partial Differential Equations |
1989 |
Mathematics |
Hong Ye |
Manuel Lerman |
Some Properties of Recursively Enumerable Sets Uniform for Equivalence Relations |
1988 |
Mathematics |
Uma Shama |
Domina Spencer |
The Transformation Equations of the Electromagnetic Field Vectors in Accelerated Systems |
1987 |
Mathematics |
James Hefferon |
Manuel Lerman |
The Structure of Upper Bounds for the Arithmetical Degrees |
1986 |
Mathematics |
Tixiang Wang |
Soon-Kyu Kim |
Morse Theory on Banach Manifolds |
1986 |
Mathematics |
Herman Goeters |
William Wickless |
Some Injective Classes |
1984 |
Mathematics |
P. Venugopalan |
George Raney |
Z-Continuous Posets and Union Complete Subset Systems |
1984 |
Mathematics |
Theodore Faticoni |
Charles Vinsonhaler |
When Quasi-Projective Implies Projective |
1981 |
Mathematics |
John Kalliongis |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
Homotopy Equivalences on Non-Irreducible 3-Manifolds |
1981 |
Mathematics |
Hyunkoo Lee |
Soon-Kyu Kim |
On Approximate Fibrations |
1981 |
Mathematics |
Andrew Miller |
Jeffrey Tollefson |
On the Homotopy of Spaces of Projectible Homeomorphisms |
1981 |
Mathematics |
Dan Novak |
George Raney |
Generalizations of Continuous Posets |
1981 |
Mathematics |
Francesco Parisi-Presicce |
George Raney |
Uniqueness of Solution of Fixed-Point Equations in Regular Extensions of Iterative Algebras |
1981 |
Mathematics |
Isabelle Adjaero |
Eugene Spiegel |
Uniqueness of the Coefficient Ring and Related Problems in Group Rings |
1980 |
Mathematics |
Jae Myung Chung |
William Wickless |
Injective Hulls of Torsion-Free Abelian Groups |
1980 |
Mathematics |
John Riley |
John Ryff |
Subalgebras of H∞ and the Corona Property |
1980 |
Mathematics |
Sungwoo Suh |
Stuart Sidney |
Characterizations of L1(G) Among its Subalgebras |
1979 |
Mathematics |
Carl Rasmussen |
Edmond Tomastik |
Oscillatory and Asymptotic Behavior of Systems of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations |
1977 |
Mathematics |
Donna Beers |
Eugene Spiegel |
The Isomorphism Problem for Infinite Abelian Groups |
1976 |
Mathematics |
Paul Kwok |
George Raney |
Computability of Recursive Functions on Forests by Finite-State Automata on Networks |
1975 |
Mathematics |
Richard Montgomery |
Richard Gosselin |
Closed Subalgebras of Group Algebras |
1973 |
Mathematics |
Richard Resch |
Soon-Kyu Kim |
The Classification of Free Differentiable S-Actions on 8- and 9-Dimensional Manifolds |
1973 |
Mathematics |
Siegfried Jansen |
George Raney |
Subdirect Representations of Partially Ordered Sets |
1972 |
Mathematics |
Michael Gregory |
Jerome Neuwirth |
p-Helson Sets, 1 < p < 2 |
1971 |
Mathematics |
Jerry Metzger |
Elliot Wolk |
Quasi-Uniform and Quasi-Proximity Spaces |
1970 |
Mathematics |
Chris Duckenfield |
Robert Smith |
The Ring of a Continuous Geometry |
1969 |
Mathematics |
Gerald Fisher |
George Raney |
On the Representation of Formal Languages Using Automata on Networks |
1969 |
Mathematics |
Charles Mozzochi |
Elliot Wolk |
Symmetric Generalized Uniform and Proximity Spaces |
1969 |
Mathematics |
Donald Small |
George Raney |
A Functional Equation Arising in the Metric Theory of Continued Fractions |
1969 |
Mathematics |