Research Experience for Undergrads
What are REUs?
Interested in math research?
There are plenty of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) opportunities in math, in many cases through nationally-funded summer REU programs at host institutions, including our department.

General Info on REUs
REUs are typically 8-10 weeks long, aimed at (but not restricted to) rising seniors and juniors and offer stipends and/or housing. Usually, programs are funded by national agencies (e.g. National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, National Security Agency, Department of Defense), and there is often a citizenship/residency requirement. As a general rule, applications are due in early spring semester, and require at the very least 2 reference letters from professors / supervisors and a personal statement. Interested? Start looking no later than during Winter break.
Where to look? Start here:
- (showing current programs, start searching in mid-late fall semester)
- NSF-funded Mathematical Sciences REU Site search
- NSF program application portal (not all NSF programs use this)
- For UConn students: thinking of research work with UConn faculty over the summer? Consider applying to UConn’s internal Summer Undergraduate Research Fund award.
REU Programs @ UConn Math
At UConn Math, we are proud to take an active part in this mission. The department hosts two independently run and funded programs:
- Markov Chains REU primarily funded by grants from the NSA Mathematical Sciences Program.
- REU Site primarily funded by grants from the National Science Foundation.
Please visit each program’s website for more information and contacts.