The UConn Mathematics Department has been awarded a GAANN grant (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) from the Department of Education. The grant will provide five fellowships per year for three years to graduate students with excellent records who demonstrate financial need and plan to pursue a doctoral degree in mathematics at UConn, a field designated as an area of national need.
Professor Guozhen Lu named Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics
Professor Guozhen Lu has been named a Fellow of the Association for Women in Mathematics. The citation for Guozhen says this honor is:
For his sustained support and service to AWM, mentorship of early and mid-career female scientists, and advocacy in the career advancement of talented female mathematicians, including recognition in the form of honors and awards.
Professor Guozhen Lu appointed Editor-in-Chief of Forum Mathematicum
Society of Actuaries Center of Actuarial Excellence Award
The UConn Mathematics Department‘s Actuarial Science program continues its extraordinary record of recognition and excellence. The Society of Actuaries has awarded the University of Connecticut the Center of Actuarial Excellence designation for another period of five years, up to June 30, 2029. Our Actuarial Science program benefits from its strong ties with the School of Business and strong support from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Professor Keith Conrad joins the American Mathematical Monthly as Associate Editor
Professor Keith Conrad has joined the American Mathematical Monthly as an Associate Editor. The Monthly is a publication of the Mathematics Association of America and is arguably the most widely read mathematics journal in the world.
Professor Lozano-Robledo interviewed about using TikTok to tackle ‘Math Phobia’
Professor Roby Co-Organizing Conference on Statistical and Dynamical Combinatorics
Professor Roby Co-Organizing Conference Honoring Richard P. Stanley
Professor Gordina named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to report that Masha Gordina has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Please see the official announcement below.
Congratulations, Masha!