Fall 2023 Courses

3510. Numerical Analysis I

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: Either (i) MATH 2110Q or 2130Q, and MATH 2410Q, and MATH 2210Q or 3210; or (ii) MATH 2144Q; knowledge of at least one programming language. May not be taken out of sequence after passing MATH 3511.

Grading Basis: Graded

Analysis of numerical methods associated with linear systems, eigenvalues, inverses of matrices, zeros of non-linear functions and polynomials. Roundoff error and computational speed.

Last Refreshed: 17-JUL-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment
Fall 2023 3598 Storrs In Person Olshevsky, Vadim 001 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
MONT 111 41/45
Fall 2023 7864 Storrs In Person Olshevsky, Vadim 002 TuTh 5:00pm‑6:15pm
MONT 420 19/45
Fall 2023 19386 Abroad In Person Hills, Laura 500 2/30