Spring 2023 Courses

2110Q. Multivariable Calculus

4.00 credits


Grading Basis: Graded

Two- and three-dimensional vector algebra, calculus of functions of several variables, vector differential calculus, line and surface integrals.

Last Refreshed: 20-DEC-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment
Spring 2023 5834 Storrs In Person Rizzie, Anthony 100 TuTh 3:30pm‑4:45pm
SCHN 151 243/256
Spring 2023 6206 Storrs In Person Wendland, Alec 101D MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
SHH 104 30/32
Spring 2023 6260 Storrs In Person Wendland, Alec 102D MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
SHH 104 31/32
Spring 2023 6261 Storrs In Person York, Benjamin 103D MoWe 8:00am‑8:50am
SHH 106 28/32
Spring 2023 6262 Storrs In Person York, Benjamin 104D MoWe 9:05am‑9:55am
MONT 112 31/32
Spring 2023 6207 Storrs In Person Mourad, Daniel 105D MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
MONT 111 31/32
Spring 2023 6208 Storrs In Person Huo, Da 106D MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
MONT 111 32/32
Spring 2023 15255 Storrs In Person Cho, Jeongha 107D MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
SHH 106 29/32
Spring 2023 15256 Storrs In Person Cho, Jeongha 108D MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
SHH 106 31/32
Spring 2023 5835 Storrs In Person Das, Akshat 140 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
GW 002 106/126
Spring 2023 15146 Storrs In Person Durham, Cole 143D MoWe 8:00am‑8:50am
SHH 105 29/32
Spring 2023 6210 Storrs In Person Durham, Cole 144D MoWe 9:05am‑9:55am
SHH 112 31/32
Spring 2023 6211 Storrs In Person Apruzzese, Paul 145D MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
MONT 421 15/30
Spring 2023 15150 Storrs In Person Apruzzese, Paul 146D MoWe 3:35pm‑4:25pm
MONT 421 31/32
Spring 2023 10780 Hartford In Person Hedman, Bruce H71 MoWe 2:30pm‑3:20pm
Fr 2:30pm‑4:10pm
HTB 227 14/30
Spring 2023 16373 Avery Point In Person Dolan, Robert N60 MoWe 10:10am‑11:50am
ACD 301 5/30