Spring 2023 Courses

3620. Foundations of Actuarial Science

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: MATH 2620. Not open for credit to students who have passed MATH 2610 or FNCE 3221 or HCMI 3221. Repeat restrictions apply; see advising.uconn.edu/repeat-policy for details.

Grading Basis: Graded

The foundations of actuarial science, the role of the actuary, external forces that influence actuarial work, and the framework and processes used in actuarial work.

Last Refreshed: 28-JUN-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment
Spring 2023 6854 Storrs In Person Hay, Britta 001 TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
MONT 421 31/32
Spring 2023 9690 Storrs In Person Grandpre, Michael 002 TuTh 7:00pm‑8:15pm
MONT 112 27/32