Spring 2024 Courses

3511. Numerical Analysis II

3.00 credits

Prerequisites: MATH 3510.

Grading Basis: Graded

Approximate integration, difference equations, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

Last Refreshed: 17-JUL-24 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Term Class Number Campus Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment
Spring 2024 6338 Storrs In Person Olshevsky, Vadim 001 TuTh 11:00am‑12:15pm
MONT 321 25/35
Spring 2024 6339 Storrs In Person Olshevsky, Vadim 002 TuTh 12:30pm‑1:45pm
MONT 320 22/35